
  • Graduate Capstone Paper

    How do we honor so-called “nonstandard” languages and English dialects within the ELA classroom?

  • Lessons from a Pandemic

    The importance of being the first teacher cohort forced to utilize online learning software, tools, and techniques.

  • New Game +

    How do we give our past selves respect? How do we teach our high school students to do the same? How are self-flagellatory responses broken down?

  • Lunar Languages Website Blog

    Click here to read more of my non-teaching-related writing on my art website, lunarlanguages.com.

Undergraduate Writing Samples

  • Undergraduate Capstone Paper

    How is the character of Satan portrayed in medieval Corpus Christi cycle plays? How did this characterization ratify or subvert existing social values and beliefs?

  • Othered: Lucy and Lola

    How does one indigenous author introduce children to the topics of racism, prejudice, and the horrors of residential schools in a constructive way?