Technology Resources Index
Podcasting, a free and easy-to-use digital audio workstation for creating audio stories and content.
Analytical Thinking, a place where students of all technological ability levels can learn and develop their coding abilities.
Unit Planning
Hyperdocs, an efficient way to use Google Docs to quickly and efficiently make students multimedia assignments.
Video/Audio Editing
ScreenFlow, an incredibly versatile screencasting and video editing client, and Audacity, an open-source DAW.
Resource Generation
Wordwall, a place to make and download custom activities, quizzes, and educational tools for student use.
Social Connections
The Global Read Aloud, a flexible way to engage students in reading and socializing around the globe.
Simple Wikipedia, Text-To-Speech, and Google Translate, increasing reading accessibility for all students.
Online Publishing
NaNoWriMo, /r/writingprompts, the Internet Writing Workshop, and quite a plethora of others to try out.